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Based on the proven principles outlined in her book on “flipping the fear” of public speaking, Julianne uses humour, vivid descriptive techniques of “Speaking in the Moment” and a large dose of energy and enthusiasm to captivate, motivate and inspire her audiences and clients to overcome the fear of public speaking both at the podium and in the board room.


Flip the Fear of Public Speaking will leave you with a transferable skill set for challenging fear and achieving the personal and professional success you deserve. Strategies for overcoming and channeling the intense fear of public speaking are described in six inspiring, empowering chapters. Each chapter includes one simple to execute, proven principle with personal examples and a short exercise.



Get the full strategy

What is covered in the book: 
  • Speaking in the moment: Learning to speak from experience (the basis for storytelling) and draw the audience into a moment where they are able to feel the driving emotion behind the speaker’s call to action 

  • Structure any speech: A no-fail structure and template that walks through key elements of “hooking an audience,” delivering key information concisely, and shaping a call to action for maximum impact 

  • Exercises for learning and practicing key techniques: Including congruence and using voice and movement for maximum impact

  • Vision for Success: An overall strategy for visualizing career success and setting goals and a strategic plan to achieve it

Bonus extras include: 

  • The Emergency Speech Plan and templates for conquering last-minute speaking requests 

  • Speaking Relaxation Exercises to implement while waiting to deliver a speech, or anytime to reduce nerves. 

  • Tips and Tricks for Calming Speaking Nerves for specific speaking concerns such as fear of red face, shaking voice, fainting, “blanking out,” and others. 


"Flip the Fear of Public Speaking by Julianne Kissack is a book worth reading - worth inhaling, digesting and referring to over and over again."

SIMON T. BAILEY, author of Release Your Brilliance and The Vuja de Moment


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